Lake Ozark Speedway
Save the Date: High Limit Racing to Headline Lake Ozark Speedway Return on June 25
Eldon, MO. (11/13/24) Returning to Lake Ozark Speedway for the ‘Fifth Annual Beach Brawl’ the always exciting Kubota High Limit Racing will venture to “The Lake’ on Wednesday, June 25th for edge-of-the-seat excitement in the ‘Midweek Money Series Event’ as anticipation mounts for this one-of-a-kind spectacle of speed.
Steadily producing outstanding on-track adrenaline rushes, Lake Ozark Speedway will once again serve as the perfect venue for the High Limit Sprints' mid-season spectacle with an enticing $20K-to-win grand prize. Last season would witness the sensational drive of Corey Day victorious from starting fifteenth on the field initially and thrilling the capacity crown with his driving domination.
Driven2SaveLives, an Indiana Donor Network program, supports all Kubota High Limit Racing Midweek Money Series Events, featuring a separate point fund as well as at least a $20,000-to-win and $1,500-to-start purse.
More information on the Fifth Annual Beach Brawl at Lake Ozark Speedway on Wednesday, June 25th featuring Kubota High Limit Racing Midweek Money Series will be announced as event details including admission tickets and venue camping are verified.
High Limit Racing events will be streamed on www.FloRacing.com, for more information visit www.highlimitracing.com or follow along on leading social media platforms.
For more information on Lake Ozark Speedway such as points, driver profiles, and track data visit www.lakeozarkspeedway.net or @LakeOzarkSpeedway on social media platforms | 50 Twiggy Lane Eldon, MO 65026 | 314-267-4944.
Submitted By: Cassy Staley